Wednesday, 30 March 2011

c) Explain Christian teachings on moral duties and responsibilities. (8)


  1. Firstly the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats tells us that Christians have a responsibility to help the hungry, poor, those in prison and others. One of Jesus' quotes states 'Anything you do for one of the least of my brothers you do for me', this means that Jesus would consider any good acts done to others as a good act done to him.

    Secondly Christians believe that we are all made in the image of God because of this we should all be treated equally, fairly and with respect. It is a Christians responsibilty to make sure Human Rights are being enforced, and that there is justice in the world because Christians believe that God, is a just God.

    Thirdly, as Christians have been made stewards of the Earth it is their responsibilty to care for it. God once said 'Till the Earth and keep it' this means that christians can have the Earth to live on but they msut care for it, Chrsitians can do this by reducing pollution, looking after animals (preventing extinction) etc.

    And lastly, it is a Christians moral duty to go to Church regularly and to read the Bible. The Bible contains the teachings and the life of Jesus. When Chrsitians are in a time of doubt they can always think, 'What would Jesus do?'. Christians can henceforth learn how to live their lives. The Church has spiritual leaders that can interpret the Bible in to modern society, Christians can also learn how to live thier lives from the church.

    Did I get it right...?
    I'm not sure.......


  2. Christians believe that they should live their life by gods moral code and so they have moral duties and responsibilities.

    One of these are the ten commandments, by following the commandments Christians are living in the correct way God wants them to.

    Following this, Jesus taught the Parable of the sheep and Goats. Which symbolises the importance of helping those in need. As your life after death depends on whether you help others (sheep) or chose not to (goat)

    Thirdly, in the bible it teaches the golden rule, 'do to others what you would hsve them do to you'. This again is another major duty that Christians need to uphold throughout their life.

    And finally, the story My brothers keeper is a example to warn that it is Christians moral duty to care for others. St.Paul taught that Christians should not stand by while others are in need.


  3. Gatmo!!!!!!!!

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