Wednesday, 30 March 2011

c) Explain why some Christians agree with genetic engineering and some do not. (8)


  1. christians are taught to follow the teachings of Jesus and the golden rule "to do unto others as you would have them do to you" which means that if people are in pain and suffering then using genetic engineering to make them better is the right thing to do, and whast jesus would have done.
    also God told humans to be "salt & light in this dark world" so correcting defects that cause suffering is doing God's will.
    some Christians also believe that genetic engineering such as growing GM crops is okay as god gave them "dominion over the birds of tha air, the fish of the sea..."
    however some christians do not agree with genetic engineering as God is the only one who can give and take away life so genetic engineering is classed as 'playing God'. Most christians also do not believe in using genetic engineering to correct defects that do not cause painful sffering such as short sightedness.

  2. Fantastic answer! I love the quotes. Where do they come from? Atleast say that they come from the Bible. 8/8

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  4. Thanks because I got this question in a homework booklet!! :)

  5. I got this in a booklet so thankyou

  6. nice mrs b,
    like ur website

  7. thanks for the help, this was in a homework booklet of mine.
